Michael Alexander Ewert
Michael Alexander Ewert
@mw95710 you can use \\intprod `⨽`, which is close ( maybe the same ) as what you expect. As @chakravala stated, they use an alternate definition for inner product. This...
@mw95710 you can access the `.v` property directly. Use broadcasting to get what you want. `(x->x.v).([2.3v 0.0v; 0.0v 2.3v])`
Try defining a more exact constant for 180.0/pi rather than using M_PI. You will improve by about 4e-6 each time you convert to radians, and then subsequently propagate/compound that error...
Your value of PI only is only precise out to 7 or 8 decimal places. ``` julia> Float32(3.141592653589793238462643383279502884) - 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 8.742278012618954e-8 ``` I'm assuming the error is accumulating in ```...
The issue I opened was simply that the left contraction should be the b-a grade element of the geometric product `A
``` julia> ⋆(1v1) ∨ (1v1 ∧ 1v2) -1v₂ ``` Not what Dorst's left complement would give you. I didn't see a complementhodge method in my version of Grassmann.jl AFAICT you...
I can see that your code is self consistent. However the math says that the left contraction of a grade 1 blade with a grade 2 blade is the grade...
I haven't read the John Browne book, looks interesting though. I'll add it to my stack. @chakravala it seems your definition of contraction in Grassmann.jl is different from the one...
``` Building SpecialFunctions → `~/.julia/packages/SpecialFunctions/ne2iw/deps/build.log` ┌ Error: Error building `SpecialFunctions`: │ ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: Unable to open libLLVM! │ Stacktrace: │ [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33 │ [2] (::getfield(BinaryProvider, Symbol("#open_libllvm#114")))() at...
I should also mention that we are building julia with -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0