Tianran Liu
Tianran Liu
My question is basically about the codes in 581 lines of detector3d_template.py `rcnn_recalled = (iou3d_rcnn.max(dim=0)[0] > cur_thresh).sum().item()` `recall_dict['rcnn_%s' % str(cur_thresh)] += rcnn_recalled` Here the max value in iou3d are used...
Hello, thanks for your work on releasing the dataset. However, I still cannot log in to your NAS and download any data with your link. Could you please fix it...
Hi there, Thanks for your work first. Basically, I noticed that you freeze the FPN and Swin-T when training the network. However, I think the weights you [mentioned](https://github.com/PJLab-ADG/LoGoNet/issues/6) didn't contain...