I'm a bit late to the party, but in CnC Generals and CnC3 support powers come from angle of the support power providing building. For example, airstrike can come from...
[Allies 13 Hard.zip](https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/files/9105765/Allies.13.Hard.zip) Completed the mission, everything seemed about right. Except...  I made some new friends: 
Hello, This is quite belated but I did a run through of it on hard. I think the difficulty is just about right. This is probably how it was in...
My units were shooting through the "walls" in the facility at the start. I'm not sure there's away around this but it struck me as weird. I like the idea...
[10b Allies Hard.zip](https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/files/9106005/10b.Allies.Hard.zip) Finished playing through it. Not killing scientists still sounds like a hassle, but I guess someone else would find it a good challenge. I won with 17...
I played through it on hard. I found it a little easy, considering I beat it the first time no sweat. I'd recommend starting it with less V2's so you...
[13b Lua bug.zip](https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/files/9099195/13b.Lua.bug.zip)  Happened at the end when I captured the Chronosphere, hard difficulty. Still found it easy on hard compared to other missions (like...
That's too bad, this would have been really nice.