openvpn3 copied to clipboard
OpenVPN 3 is a C++ class library that implements the functionality of an OpenVPN client, and is protocol-compatible with the OpenVPN 2.x branch.
I spent quite some time debugging this issue when starting a session: ``` ** ERROR ** Could not establish a connection with 'net.openvpn.v3.sessions' ``` Turns that I had installed the...
Hello, is there a plan for upgrading/supporting newer MbedTLS version(s)? I see there was recently a commit ( to update to the latest bug-fix point release of the MbedTLS 2.7...
I have config which requires the use of the **lport** directive but openvpn3 as well as openvpn2 completely ignore it. Log for both shows the lport as being an unused...
Hello. It may be small enhancement, but on windows, connect function makes few successive console flashes appear (which means some commands are being run through the console). This is not...
OpenVPN3 is in the vcpkg store and I install it with ``` vcpkg install openvpn3 ``` but I cant use it in my project because cmake can't found the openvpn3...
how can I build a libovpncli.a on mac
Can a ReadMe be created for javacli it is unclear how to use it. How do I run in and IDE? How do I run command line? How do I...
After running `cmake --build build --config Release --target ovpncli `I get the error below. Is there another system variable that needs to be defined or something else I need to...
HI! I'm on windows, compiling the java interface First I changed client/CMakeLists.txt ``` add_custom_command( OUTPUT ovpncli_wrap.cxx ovpncli_wrap.h COMMENT "Generating ovpncli Python swig files" COMMAND ${SWIG_EXECUTABLE} -c++ -java -package net.vpn.ovpn3 -outcurrentdir...
The java code can't seem to resolve the imports from classes that are prefixed with ClientAPI, such as ClientAPI_OpenVPNClient and ClientAPIStatus. Where do these classes come from? I googled ClientAPI_OpenVPNClient...