JurassicParkTrespasser copied to clipboard
A git-based fork of the Jurassic Park: Trespasser source code.
Jump bug
The game has a bug: Jumping while the player is standing on an object only works sporadically. This was also present in the original game. This was addressed in the...
The `ProcessorDetect` project does not compile yet because of a minor type ambiguity. It should be repaired. Because `ProcessorDetect` yields a DLL, we also need a little test program for...
Trespasser has a mechanism for managing virtual memory that is used for textures. Unfortunately it is broken. The symptom of the problem is that Trespasser would always crash with a...
The code file lists in the CMake scripts were adapted almost verbatim from the original VS project definitions. But they are incomplete, some code files that are used are missing...
Frames per second (FPS) is a key performance indicator for a game. Looking at the FPS is a fast way to tell if a code change had a significant performance...
A new version of the GroffExp plugin for a contemporary release of 3DS Max should be created. 3DS Max SDKs can be found here: https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/3ds-max
Do whatever is necessary to make AITest usable again - i.e. find and repair crashes, significant memory leaks and other blocking issues.
Do whatever is necessary to make GUIApp usable again - i.e. find and repair crashes, significant memory leaks and other blocking issues.
The `CollisionEditor` project has some linker conflicts. It redefines some functions from the `Std` and `System` libraries. Those conflicts need to be resolved so that `CollisionEditor` can be compiled. The...
A closer look at the contents of the `Source/Test` directory reveals that it contains a lot of code files not used in any of the existing projects. Those unbound source...