
Results 15 comments of Daniele

I managed to develop a proof of concept implementation here: https://github.com/OpenNingia/myManga/tree/unlimited_scroll I'm not a WPF guru so it's a bit hacky, however it works fine.

We are a team of ~5 dev inside a bigger company, we use Taiga as Kanban board for our projects. We tried using the Scrum template but did not fit...

Visto che e' un modulo Python non sarebbe meglio esporre un'API pubblica? E.g. ```python from tnt-downloader import search result = search(query="pippo", max_results=7) for r in result: ... ```

![alternate paths monk](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/184624/9958053/09138d1a-5e06-11e5-9db3-71a122077626.PNG) not quite, you should receive only 1 Kiho to spend ( instead of 2 ) if this is your first path, 0 if this is a subsequent...

Similar request as #240. Should investigate if this is possible.

Hi @SAbel69 it is definitely possible but it require code modification on top of adding new AcroFields to the editable PDF. Take a look at the [fdfexporter class](https://github.com/OpenNingia/l5r-character-manager-3/blob/master/l5r/exporters/fdfexporter.py) to get...

Which Mint version? I'll try to reproduce it on my environment.

Please try to install this version: https://github.com/OpenNingia/l5r-character-manager-3/releases/tag/v3.12_hotfix_settings_2 also install pdftk from here: https://gitlab.com/pdftk-java/pdftk as specified in the README.

You're right the link was wrong. The correct link is here: https://github.com/OpenNingia/l5r-character-manager-3/releases/download/v3.12_fix_localization/l5rcm-3.12.159-1_all.deb You should be able to install this .deb file as any other program ( i.e. using your OS...

Can you try the last v3.15 version? I added `pdftk-java` again to the dependencies. I only tryed on popos! (that's the distro I use for coding) and it worked fine.