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Can not get the fusions with the testdata

Open kingyang728 opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Can not detect the fusions with the test data,is anyone can help me? all the testdata is from the git and

Here is my shell command: ./genefuse -r Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -f genes/cancer.hg19.csv -1 ./testdata/genefuse.R1.fq.gz -2 ./testdata/genefuse.R2.fq.gz -h report.html > result 12:17:45 start with 4 threads 12:18:1 mapper indexing done 12:18:6 sequence number before filtering: 0 12:18:6 removeByComplexity: 0 12:18:6 removeByDistance: 0 12:18:6 removeIndels: 0 12:18:53 matcher indexing done 12:18:53 removeAlignables: 0 12:18:53 found 0 fusions 12:18:53 done

kingyang728 avatar Oct 20 '20 10:10 kingyang728

I had the same problem! The fusion files in the repo are not compatible with the NCBI version of hg19 that is linked in the README. The fusion files have chromosome names that start with "chr", but the genome from NCBI just uses the chromosome number (e.g. "chr15" vs "15").

The easiest fix is to download hg19 from UCSC:

granek avatar Jan 06 '21 02:01 granek