Onur Gumus

Results 63 comments of Onur Gumus

@brikken that's Cmd.ofSub, it works the same way as in Elmish, nothing special in them. Another thing you can do is , you can get dispatcher from Program and use...

@brikken https://github.com/BlazorExtensions/SignalR/issues/66 might be helpful

Strangely it doesn't always happen. I am adding a gif here: ![bolero](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4114592/72546031-79a67c00-38a3-11ea-9a8f-8b589354b05f.gif)

@Tarmil here are my additional findings: * Unfortunately the same problem happens with ServerPrerendered mode as well as Static. And this is a big deal IMHO. * I tried a...

@Tarmil I found the culprit. It's basically the async program thing causes this problem https://github.com/fsbolero/Bolero/commit/fa37b7e30e4e2ba9cd02d6eaeb32d62971b5dbc7#diff-42537e1b023213573ef3e20b1e6fa305 ``` --removed override this.OnInitialized() = base.OnInitialized() let program = this.Program let setDispatch dispatch = this.Dispatch...

On the second thought, I think we still need this feature if possible. In WASM mode, even if we prerender the data, we still need to reload the data before...

@Tarmil another finding this there is a problem with this call: https://github.com/fsbolero/Bolero/blob/47e14bf8f8fa868f7bf09b3bb50de26bd323f698/src/Bolero/Components.fs#L155 Since elmish initially calls **SetState** this causes **ForceSetState** being called too early and eventually you call **this.InvokeAsync(this.StateHasChanged)** before...

@Tarmil Another finding is You can also check if firstTime true for this call https://github.com/fsbolero/Bolero/blob/47e14bf8f8fa868f7bf09b3bb50de26bd323f698/src/Bolero/Components.fs#L203 There is no point in calling the same thing over and over again BTW so...

@Tarmil , Good news, I have found a better way, just initialize elmish on OnParametersSetAsync Then then everything works as expected and we can keep AsyncProgram. I also believe Initialize...