Hi I’m new to Raspbian, homebridge or any “coding” really... I’ve installed homebridge and Raspbian lata week so I guess i have the most recent version of the plugin. However...
Everything seems to work fine. MQTT plugin installed and mosquitto running. There's no error when running homebridge. Example: plug sonoff to the wall. home app shows "off". click to turn...
And I think because of this I can't make "rules" to work on EVE's app whit the sonoff...
What I mean is : The sonoff is offline and if I switch it ON in home app it will show me as ON, but it should still be OFF...
Offline = not connected to power . Now that you say, EVE shows inactive when the sonoff is offline. I guess everything is ok. And my problem is the rule......
I found Out that my “rules” in EVE were wrong too. Rookie mistake! Thank you
Hi guys I'm new to this... I've found the index.js in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-mi-aqara and I changed the "const multicastAddress = '' " to the gateway's IP address but now it gives...
I installed recently the plugin and the Gateway light doesn’t work. When i touch the switch in home app it says “inactive”. Any ideas ?
Ok thanks. I need it to show occupied if my iphone OR my wife's iphone are at home so I don't need to change that line. But do I need...