
Results 21 issues of OneManArmy93

I tired to execute the this funtion `def create_labels(places, size, corners, resolution = 0.5, x=(0, 90), y=(-50, 50), z=(-4.5, 5.5), scale=4, min_value=np.array([0., -50., -4.5])):` but the returned variables `sphere_center, train_corners`...

Hello, can anyone explain what is the utility of this function `create_objectness_label` and what does it do in the train process. Also, in the `train_test()` function in `model_01_deconv` I couldn't...

Can anyone tell me how the bounding boxes are predcition with the model? and which function does that? Thank you.

Can anyone tell me how can I voxelize a batch of frames at once instead of voxelizing a frame at a time? thank you

Can anyone explain what the deconvolutional layer `def deconv3D_to_output(input_layer, input_dim, output_dim, height, width, length, stride, output_shape, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding="SAME", name="")` is for? and does is influence the training/learning process? Thank you.

Since my resources are limited, can I use a pre trained model to detect vehicles with this voxelization method?

My main goal is to do a joint detection and tracking, and to achieve this i need to integrate the temporal information in the voxel representation to do the tracking....

Hello, I have hard time to understand why the bounding boxes aren't 3D in my reproduction of the code. Any idea? thank you ![lid](

Hello, Im trying to re implement the volxelization process as I need it later on. But I'm having hard time understanding some function as I'm new to Python. I hope...

Hello, Im was experimenting with the 000058.bin file (where there is only Pedestrain but no cars) I get the following error on the get_boxcorners() function: **TypeError: zip argument #1 must...