Ondřej Machulda

Results 58 comments of Ondřej Machulda

Hi, thanks for the pull request. But - correct me if I'm wrong - the new Gitlab >9 variables are already supported, so this is just removal of the deprecated...

FYI, SSL session reuse [will be added](https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/dfadc5a427b548cab2b7c037c05f65684e08a248) to PHP 7.1 and 5.6.26.

Same behavior here. I reconfigured DuckDNS settings following #1785 according to [updated documentation](https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/blob/master/duckdns/DOCS.md#option-aliases-optional), so that `domains` contain only duckdns host and `aliases` adds my own 3rd level domain. I also...

Hi, shouldn't `repo_token` be the value which is displayed on coveralls repository homepage (when signed in), instead of `GITHUB_TOKEN`? Using the project token, the rerun payload gets accepted. `{"rerun":true,"url":"https://coveralls.io/builds/...","jobs":14}`. (However...

Hi, we are affected as well: - [This build](https://coveralls.io/builds/52303937) (which is `push` event build) reports in the header "First build on feature/test-page-constants at 64.607%" and also in the "source files"...

Happens to me as well, on Pixel 3 with Android 9 P - kdbx database I used for years now gets corrupted anytime it is edited and saved using KeepassDroid....

Hi, just to add possible usecase: we are using constant which identifies library version, and on new release (ie. constant value change) we are getting this: `- [BC] CHANGED: Value...

Agreed, I know about this library and it would be nice, but it requires PHP 7.1 :trollface: , and we need to maintain this specific library compatible with PHP versions...

Well Travis build which includes this BC check (together with codestyle and phpstan checks) is run solely on PHP 7.2 environment, while phpunit is run also on older PHP versions....

Hi, we use Symofony Console, which handles the parameter parsing, so there is nothing we should do about warning user if parameters are improperly used, as this is not done...