
Results 12 comments of OmniaSolutions

Dear Anviz, the problem is due to the wrong inheritance method of odoo that inherit our ir.attachment view in to the mrp.document one. so all the method exposed to the...

Dear Axel, the FreedCad integration is under development , there is no packages right now, and we have some issues on it. The integretion will not work out of the...

Not yet finished .. We are finishing the integration. hopefully we wold like to make it available for the beginning of the 2021 !!

We are working on it !!!

We are still working but FreeCad is quite a mess, because we have different version different operating system and also our ui is in pyside6 ..

Dear Axel, we are ready for the first FreeCad testing version on odoo v15. Let me know if you are still interested. Regards, Matteo

We are working hard to achieve the first public build of the freeCad integration. ![image]( stay tuned !!

Dear Axel, yes now we have all the old plm functionality ready for FreeCAD, we need to improve the gui.. and to package the solution in order to be installable...

You do not need the plm box in order to work with odoo, just a new client application that we will publish very soon. we are testing the best way...

We are packaging the solution right now. We target to go out with the first installation for the next week. If you are coming at the odoo Experience 2022(BE) we...