Kurt Bosmans

Results 4 comments of Kurt Bosmans

It's possible. I'm new to ucos. I used the BSP for the STM32F105 that came with the TCP/IP book for STM32. I had to tweak it here and there to...

Curiously the interrupt priorities are not set in the BSP code. I see this for example: BSP_IntVectSet(BSP_INT_ID_USART2, BSP_Ser_ISR_Handler); BSP_IntEn(BSP_INT_ID_USART2); Seems the priorities are left at their defaults. If I add...

I've debugged this new issue a bit further. The BSP has this function: ``` void BSP_Ser_WrByteUnlocked (CPU_INT08U c) { USART_ITConfig(USART2, USART_IT_TC, ENABLE); USART_SendData(USART2, c); BSP_OS_SemWait(&BSP_SerTxWait, 0); USART_ITConfig(USART2, USART_IT_TC, DISABLE); }...

I believe I found the issue. I was using the function Mem_OutputUsage to print the memory usage. This function internally calls CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER() and from within this critical region calls the...