Oliver Jones
Oliver Jones
Here's an offer to collaborate on documentation. My personal pain points? 1. the search function isn't what it could be. 2. the organization is a little hard for a newcomer...
MKhalid reports: My wp_options table is present both in revert key and convert key, and when i try to either convert or revert using the plugin page or wp-cli i...
Can we look at the WPML plugin's indexes to find opportunities for speedups? https://wpml.org/ Per this request. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-add-wpml-support/
A user asked for indexes on BuddyPress tables. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/index-buddypress-and-other-meta-tables/ More information is needed, about the bad queries.
From a user: Would it be possible to add keys for an eCommerce Store that has product filtering with lots of attributes? wp_terms wp_term_taxonomy wp_term_relationships wp_woocommerce_termmeta wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (for product attributes)...
ALTER TABLE wp_sitemeta DROP KEY site_id, ADD KEY site_id (site_id, meta_key, meta_value(32))
In your protocol document [you mention](https://github.com/valeriansaliou/sonic/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md#3%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3-sonic-channel-search-mode) placing "search terms" in a protocol request. Those terms seem to be words separated by spaces. Can you clarify the meaning of "terms"? (plural?)...
For 'wp cache type', use a standard information function, if available, rather than class-sniffing
## Feature Request `wp cache type` retrieves and displays the type of persistent object cache. Make it more easily extensible. - [x] Yes, I reviewed the [contribution guidelines](https://make.wordpress.org/cli/handbook/contributing/). **Describe your...
Substitute empty strings for null values in some calls to explode() and strip_tags(). Declare some class properties to eliminate dynamic property declarations. This work is done in two places: /development/...