Results 6 issues of Olivier Hénot

The following conversion fails to return a valid interval: ```Julia julia> x = Float64(π) 3.141592653589793 julia> convert(Interval{BigFloat}, x).lo ≤ x ≤ convert(Interval{BigFloat}, x).hi false ``` The problem seems to stem...


This is a follow-up of [this]( discussion in discourse. Multiplication of intervals in functions defined inside a module leads to 6 extra allocations per `*`. Interestingly, redefining the function in...

While using `abs` the other day, I found out the following difference (Julia v1.7.0, IntervalArithmetic v0.20.2): ```Julia julia> using IntervalArithmetic, BenchmarkTools julia> x = @interval(π + im*π) [3.14159, 3.1416] +...

As pointed out here, the function `_quadrant` used internally for trigonometric functions may yield wrong results. See for a proposal to fix the issue (at least partially). Also,...


In a recent triage call, we discussed replacing CRlibm with [CORE-MATH](, which provides a more complete set of correctly rounded functions. On particular appeal is that they give a correctly...

This PR simply adds the boolean keyword `ng_flag` to the `setdisplay` function. When set to false, the flag "NG" is not displayed. Before merging this PR, can anyone think of...