Hi @marcingminski , you should set the numeric filters at the top. This will reduce the impact of the Extended Events session for workloads with many small CPU intensive queries....
Without Extended Events Session: CPU time = 31 ms, elapsed time = 47 ms. With default Extended Events Session: CPU time = 735 ms, elapsed time = 754 ms. With...
OK. I will learn how to do that. :-)
I would vote for [ola]. I would guess that 95% of all database objects are using the [dbo] schema. The chance that any application or any dba is unsing [ola]...
@jeffchulg: I am not a big fan of encapsulating commands with EXECUTE AS. The installation script is currently fully qualified. And we would need to change the script. There is...
Hi Tibor, I cannot see a high risk when replacing "[ola]" to e.g. "[sla]". It is the same like replacing "[olahallengren]" to e.g. "[slahallengren]". As long as you use the...
I sometimes use the stored procedures also ad-hoc. Of cause, first and foremost the IndexOptimize and DatabaseBackup procedures are the ones I am using ad-hoc.