Oliver Rivett-Carnac

Results 7 issues of Oliver Rivett-Carnac

Expected: Define the name and location of "Beta" project to assign a card to an issue or PR. Actual: Does not find any projects. Only seems to find "classic" projects...


It looks like `FigletText` currently supports a rudimentary implementation of the FIGlet renderer. A missing feature would be that of the layoutmodes / smushing. These must "smush" the text together...

needs triage

If you try and run `dotnet ef database update` with the `--json` common options you get the following error: ``` Specify --help for a list of available options and commands....


## 1. Description I followed the documentation on [Query Future](https://entityframework-plus.net/ef-core-query-future) in order to optimize my pagination queries. However, I am not able to get the desired behavior to work. The...

In reference to the following issue: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/issues/7189 It looks like this library at the default install of version `6.1.0` when using the Vue CLI has incompatible peer dependencies with the...

### Describe the bug This happens even on the documentation pages for the DataTable and the InputNumber You cannot paste (Ctrl + V), copy (Ctrl + C) or select all...

Status: Needs Triage

Based on feedback to the following issue: https://github.com/primefaces/primevue-tailwind/issues/235 Add the ability to have importPT of `lara` preset as platform agnostic