Oliver Draheim
Oliver Draheim
@chamons Any news on the release notes?
You may have to update your Manifest.xml as described in the official documentation here (needed since Android 11): [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/essentials/open-browser?context=xamarin%2Fandroid&tabs=android](url)
Version: 2.5 Android-API: 25 AndroidKeystore Storagetype works for me except in one use case, I get the same exception as @Just89. It occurs with AutoBackup when doing the following steps:...
Thanks for your response. I ended up with creating custom backup rules, that exclude the SecureStorage.xml, because I wanted to allow to backup some other not sensitive user settings.
@dush135 See here: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/autobackup#IncludingFiles