Oleksii Shaposhnikov
Oleksii Shaposhnikov
- [x] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/issues) of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. ### Version 3.2.5 ### Environment Described in the package.json ### Reproduction link...
Since the 3d version of Vue was release, we need support for Vue 3 and Composition API
Hello! I have met two statements in the docs and I can't understand them. 1. Styleguide, where we see the recommendation to use kebab-case for emited events: https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/component-custom-events.html#event-names 2. Migration...
Env: ``` "apexcharts": "^3.22.2", "vue": "^3.0.2", "vue3-apexcharts": "^1.1.1" ``` My options: ``` { chart: { height: 590, type: "area", }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { curve: "smooth", },...
### Would you like to work on a fix? - [ ] Check this if you would like to implement a PR, we are more than happy to help you...
In some browsers (in very few) `fullBrowserVersion` returns `undefined`. You can reproduce this behaviour using this [browser](https://www.seznam.cz/prohlizec) on IOS. This case may be a bug or a special case which...
I experienced 2 issues with rendering GIFs on canvas (just use GIFs link in your demo and you will see the reproduction). 1. https://giphy.com/stickers/transparent-monday-ployrua-jqklMdfkFl8nnCkqVH the GIF is animated only once...
### Clear and concise description of the problem I tried to implement a reversed vertical scrolling behaviour using DynamicScroller and infinite scroll behaviour like in the average chat. I also...