Oleksandr Koval

Results 18 comments of Oleksandr Koval

I've done similar CMake+GCC support for local experiments and implemented several things differently, not quite clean though. Consider replacing for co_await with manual implementation because it hasn't been approved for...

Thank you for fast response, same error: ``` 1>\beast_wrapper.cpp(256): error C2672: 'boost::beast::http::async_read_header': no matching overloaded function found 1>\beast_wrapper.cpp(257): error C2784: '::boost::asio::async_result::return_type boost::beast::http::async_read_header(AsyncReadStream &,DynamicBuffer &,boost::beast::http::basic_parser &,ReadHandler &&)': could not deduce template...

Here it is: https://github.com/OleksandrKvl/vscode_pch_test Don't pay attention to key shortcuts at the bottom of the main.cpp, that's my local bindings. The only thing I changed in global CMake settings is...

@donmendelson 1. How so? Documentation says that `nullValue` is not a valid value for required field so in order to validate required field one should do `minValue

Oh, I checked only the Markdown version, [here](https://github.com/FIXTradingCommunity/fix-simple-binary-encoding/blob/master/v2-0-RC3/doc/04MessageSchema.md#message-element-attributes) it still says `unsingedInt`. In the XSD it's `nonNegativeInteger` as you said. What do you think about offset type?

Just want to clarify that it's not only about documentation, the main points are that 1. `offset` should have the same type as `length` and 2. probably it's better not...

@donmendelson [This](https://github.com/FIXTradingCommunity/fix-simple-binary-encoding/blob/master/v2-0-RC3/doc/05SchemaExtensionMechanism.md#constraints) section says: - A repeating group may be added after existing groups at the root level or nested within another repeating group. - A variable-length data field may...

Actually, here's the direct quote from [here](https://github.com/FIXTradingCommunity/fix-simple-binary-encoding/blob/master/v2-0-RC3/doc/05SchemaExtensionMechanism.md#number-of-repeating-groups-and-variable-data): >Number of repeating groups and variable data. Message headers and repeating group dimensions carry a count of the number of repeating groups and...

@donmendelson I thought that SBE V1 is kinda "final" and complete but it contains exactly the same extension logic which seems not possible to implement (I'm actually writing SBE parser,...