Full fix: https://gist.github.com/OleksandrKucherenko/a9e9360c7e1e27ece796a25d1bdc5587 missed line: ```java // important to call! resolves issue with android-dev-metrics library during unit tests execution MethodsTracingManager.getInstance().init(context); ``` details: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+OleksandrKucherenko/posts/5AM2z4EVwxk
experiments: 1) zkrili mahou, perekluchaemsja megdu monitorami, priganja rasskladki NET 2) zapuskaem mahou, vuravnivaem megdu monitorami raskladki. delajem clicki - idet proizvolnoje perekluchenije. proboval s galochkoj edinaja rasskladka ON i...
Потестил. Не сильно помогло с хромом. Но например с windows explorer такой проблемы нет. Глюк как-то связан с хромом.
> в настройках винды, где то есть галка типа "единая раскладка для всех приложений" если ее поставить, то раскладка будет одна дял всех ( а не для каждой апликухи своя)...
Will be great to provide default mock implementation for jest tests, in some cases debug logs is the only one option left for capturing the test success or failure. (Not...
use case: declare several deeplink PATTERNs and activity and in code do some easy switch/case/if/else by matching the pattern to deeplink. needed something that can do a simple routing, deeplink...
pull request #68 is mostly proposing the same how i see
ok, another case to think of: - my activity contains multiple fragment, and some of the fragments are responsible for processing of the specific deeplinks. How to deliver intent/data/extras to...
possible ways to solve: - compose SparseArray or Map for quick lookup - sort array of chars and use binarySearch algorithm for validation - make a switch case for values...
switch/case - gives the best performance