Oleksandr Moik

Results 7 comments of Oleksandr Moik

If anyone has a similar problem and is looking for a solution, here is a small fix or temporary solution _(based on my case)_. Define column like this: ```php Column::make('User...

Hi! I did a little research and found the problem. Yes, it's because of the labels in [field-wrapper/index](https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/blob/3.x/packages/forms/resources/views/components/field-wrapper/index.blade.php#L53-L57). Without this label, or when the label has `hidden` attribute problem solves,...

If I understand you correctly, we need to additionally pass a label to the input attributes For simplicity, I just added the attribute with inline conditions: ![image](https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/assets/50796878/8ffdd274-41fd-49dc-9d68-db52a336c7a7) Then, in the...

Hi, @lopatin96, how do you display translations? In general, I'm not against it.

Ok. I will debug this.

There is some issue with blade components. If we use it without changes, apostrophe will be converted to a html code. ![image](https://github.com/Laravel-Lang/lang/assets/50796878/29079af2-40d4-4507-9730-ad2b7d21884e) But with `dd`, we see the value already...

Я обдумав всі варіант і вагаюся. Ці зміни можна застосувати, але залишу хід своїх думок: Я, наприклад, до сьогодні не знав, де і як можна поставити з клавіатури ПК/ноута апостроф)...