Oleg A.

Results 76 issues of Oleg A.

# Bug In the `_save()` method transaction's `session` is not passed to `update_one()` request. https://github.com/art049/odmantic/blob/541d4119fe5e558491ec21b223eb9242ccde4b91/odmantic/engine.py#L315-L320 **It means that transaction is NOT USED NOW!** ## How to fix? It's not enough...


Motor supports additional options for databases ```python def get_database(self, name=None, codec_options=None, read_preference=None, write_concern=None, read_concern=None): ... ``` I always use feature with setting `read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED`. It's really helps with highload apps. Why...


**Question:** Why some tasks queued but not going to execution? New task processed by workers immediately. **Healthcheck:** `Jun-20 10:35:06 j_complete=6 j_failed=1 j_retried=0 j_ongoing=1 queued=10` **WorkerSettings:** `max_jobs = 10` **Workers:** `4...

I wanna use `arq` workers to execute long tasks. Sometimes I need to update the code. So it would be nice to up a new version of `arq` worker and...

Something wrong with your python syntax checker: ### Type hints ```python File "./yt.py", line 15 _tracker: Optional[YaTracker] = None ^ ``` ### async ```python File "./tests/test_game.py", line 70 async def...

Attached mitogen configuration doesn't works ### Image cytopia/ansible:2.9-tools ### ansible.cfg ```ini [defaults] ... ;Run Ansible playbooks with Mitogen strategy_plugins = /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible_mitogen/plugins/strategy strategy = mitogen_linear ``` ### CI output ``` ERROR!...

Since test dependencies is located in `[tool.poetry.dependencies]`, poetry trying to resolve they. Even they are optional. https://github.com/nicfit/eyeD3/blob/3c073bb27db0ca2078037fe566fb9631aae094b9/pyproject.toml#L65-L72 So. Let's get any application with `coverage v6`... ```ini [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] coverage = "^6"...

I (like PTB user) wanna... ...be able to perform a request to the Bot API while sending an answer to the webhook [(read more)](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#making-requests-when-getting-updates). It helps to avoid telegram flood...


### New exceptions - BadRequest: Have no rights to send a message - BadRequest: Group chat was deactivated - BadRequest: Channel_private - BadRequest: Have no rights to send a message...

help wanted
good first issue