Oleg A.

Results 72 comments of Oleg A.

I'm glad to see that project is not abandoned :) Thanks for your work

`pymongo` is a dependency of `motor`, but importing objects from `pymongo` make `build / static-analysis (pull_request)` [failed](https://github.com/art049/odmantic/pull/71/checks?check_run_id=1537560557) Seems it's a new issue for static-analysis stage

> Do you have some references about this ? https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/transactions-production-consideration/#feature-compatibility Replica Set (4.0+) and Sharded Cluster (4.2+) support transactions. Standalone is not listed here. Also you can run an experiment:...

Seems calling `self.client._server_property('server_type')` still easiest way 😭

Need some help to finish tests coverage

@JonasKs, I imagine it as a bool flag on worker side. E.g. `is_stopping`. On `is_stopping` we can: a) pause the queue reading b) continue reading, but ignore enqueued jobs This...

> I'm keen, but I'm super busy atm. I'll look soon. Hope in this 20 days you've managed your super-business :) \+ related PR: #259

@samuelcolvin, @waza-ari, It seems that you misunderstanding me. I've tried to send a reminder this way, but didn't want to rush you (sorry for my eng). @samuelcolvin, thanks for your...

@samuelcolvin, Dropping v1 support may make your users sad (if the user has some kind of libraries: with v1-only and v2-only support - he is trapped and can't update any...

@samuelcolvin, `Redis(..., decode_responses=True)` doesn't solve encoding issues?