Oleg Litvinov

Results 9 issues of Oleg Litvinov

Good evening, colleagues! It would be great to have an opportunity of selecting something like min_delta in [keras early stopping callback](https://keras.io/api/callbacks/early_stopping/) while using overfitting detector. Cases with very long plateau...

Problem: Training setup was the following, ``` params = { "iterations": 200, 'loss_function': 'YetiRank', 'custom_metric': ['NDCG:top=5;type=Base;denominator=LogPosition', 'MAP:top=5'], } model = CatBoostRanker(**params) model.fit(train_pool, eval_set=val_pool) ``` when I try to evaluate metrics...

Здравствуйте! Благодарю вас за прекрасный материал! Во многих разделах книги переменная π (strategy) употребляется с разным переводом. Где-то "политика", а где-то "стратегия". На мой субъективный взгляд, вне зависимости от раздела...

dstack artifacts download doesn't tell you anything if there is a typo in a run name. would be nice to make some warning

good first issue

Would be nice to be able to set a tag for the run right from the console like dstack run train-model --tag latest

good first issue

1. apart from depends-on would be nice to have a textual representation of the dependency (name) 2. apart from run itself, it's tag may be helpful


It will be great to have an option either to specify the time to launch for the run or just say "this run to start in 2 hours"


Good evening! I faced a problem that the same code (I hope it's really the same :)) works differently in the notebook and in the running flask server. Two small...

#### Versions of xlwings, Excel and Python (e.g. 0.11.8, Office 365, Python 3.7) 0.23.0, Python 3.8.8 #### Describe your issue (incl. Traceback!) Good afternoon! I have a question rather than...