Like this? https://github.com/sushiswap/sushi-docs/commit/c600903ea45be88a11e9615b0d0416a5cda8a531 Good idea, but unfortunately it didn't make a difference: https://sushi-docs-2cmtz9li9-teamsushi.vercel.app/api/furo
> I was experiencing the same issue. For me it ended up being because I had `scroll-behavior: smooth;` on the body. took it off and it started working. > >...
> @justinmoon Same to me. At first, 200 or 300 blocks every 10 seconds; after 178411, less than 100 blocks every 10 seconds; now, somtimes 1 block every 10 seconds....
> @OlaStenberg I'm running master(version 0.12.0-beta). Ok, seem to be working a lot better for me with master, even if it slowed down to 20 blocks every 10s (around 350k)....
> This shows as a major time consumer in a few subgraphs including: https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/sushi-labs/users-polygon (Qma5YzDtseXGJfwt1dGMmRwMaqvbgdSgnprWSdnp5gQf3n) https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/sushi-labs/users-ethereum (QmV4tr3xCx21z77YhPNLM7dJJtGmQ7tvzKpLJTBHNrBd5B) https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/sushiswap/sushiswap-polygon (QmT3h6RJvw5zJ6Gq6v6xt1sNExxHcUXEXc4y9rGHjYmPFj) > > Since this is purely a CPU operation it should...
@matthewlilley, just to double check, was this issue meant for the new subgraph repo? or you want me to bring in pnpm and turbo here? Haven't we already moved over...
Some subgraphs are only available on certain networks `pnpm run prepare kovan` Would you like every subgraph available on `kovan` to be prepared and ignore the rest? example ``` Prepared...