Okon Samuel

Results 19 issues of Okon Samuel

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be great to have built into MLJ a way for searching measures suitable to a given predictions `yhat`...

This PR resolves #200. It also includes a new exception called `NullMatrixException` which is thrown when a null matrix is detected at run-time. Additionally, Efforts have been made to detect...

The existing code for `SubspaceLDA` fails if for a given input matrix and target, the rank of the between-class covariance matrix is less than the number of classes minus one(i.e...

**Hi**. I get the following error in travis tests when using Conda on MacOS ``` INTEL MKL ERROR: dlopen(/Users/travis/.julia/conda/3/lib/libmkl_intel_thread.dylib, 9): Library not loaded: @rpath/libiomp5.dylib Referenced from: /Users/travis/.julia/conda/3/lib/libmkl_intel_thread.dylib Reason: image not...

We should be able to apply methods from TableOperations.jl to reimplement the `selectrows` and `selectcols` method for generic tables. This should help us avoid the issue we are currently experiencing...

There is a need to implement efficient `selectrows` and `selectcols` methods for `Tables.MatrixTable` table type. The current data utils methods only have efficient fallbacks for `DataFrame` table type, but we...


I know MLJ will definitely have some overhead since it's wraps other code. But i believe this overhead can be reduced below the current level with careful design considerations. Avoidable...


While checking the codebase for type instabilities i found out that type inference fails for `Threads.@spawn` and `@distributed` constructs in julia (Apparently that's the way these constructs were designed to...

low priority

Apart from the fact that packages need to implement MLJ's API to be used in MLJ. They also need to ensure that that their code is thread safe otherwise things...

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