
Results 14 issues of OkayPJ

* Update KylinOS * Update NeoKylin * Update Ubuntu Kylin The info archive commit of https://github.com/FabioLolix/LinuxTimeline/pull/216

add NeoKylin and KylinOS discussed in #94

* Name: Xinutop ## Issue https://github.com/FabioLolix/LinuxTimeline/blob/9b535abfdf35353e9162a79e30972a91d4b1f445/ldt.csv#L174 According to [Marinux Website](https://marinux.tuxfamily.org/) (I cannot found any more information about Xinutop), Xinutop is based on Debian Jessie. I checked it and found an...

* Name: Thinstation ## Issue Thinstation based on CRUX according to distrowatch: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=thinstation (probably started on 2012-02-10?)


* Name: Mer * Discontinuation statement URL if available https://blog.jolla.com/message-in-a-bottle/


* Name: Guadalinex * Discontinuation statement URL if available https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=guadalinex

* Name: Red Flag ## Issue http://www.chinaredflag.cn/product/newproduct?ulink=&tolink=redflag-web/DT11 Red Flag will be based on debian 10.6 in v11.

* Name: VectorLinux * Discontinuation statement URL if available https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=vector

* Name: Draco * Discontinuation statement URL if available https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=draco

* Name: Bardinux * Discontinuation statement URL if available https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=bardinux