Ryan Loebs
Ryan Loebs
The package installs to the system Library folder: `/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-ndi`. Delete that folder and you'll stop seeing the missing runtime errors.
Enabling Arm32/Arm64 is pretty simple: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/pull/2841 though based on one of the comments on the kotlinx.atomicfu issues board it sounds like it's a matter of testing and officially supporting the...
Given the above arguments I think it ultimately depends on the context. This project is developing a VR headset and the end result is a 3-DoF or 6-DoF product. The...
> What makes you say `PathToUnderscores` is "more portable"? In my mind providing the _option_ to choose [FileNaming](https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf/blob/main/Documentation/PLUGIN.md#generation-option-filenaming---naming-of-generated-sources) is far more valuable, not simply choosing `FullPath` or `PathToUnderscores` and demanding...
Looks like you need to install (I think it was) pypng. It's available on pip so it should be easy to install.
Are you compressing the ZIP file? Unfortunately, libzipfs only supports storage ZIP's at the moment.