Is there anything in common to the situations when this happens? Is RCRC already open? Multiple instances? The error can only really happen if rcrc takes too long to connect...
> In File Creation Option, add {file summary} which has total number of files, total size, date of hash creation, hash type. What's your use case for this? I especially...
The dialog always operates only on selected files, for all three modes. I could probably add a "selected" checkbox to this dialog that allows you to force all files.
I will take a look at it when I find some time to work on rcrc again. The main problem with this is that rcrc is not built to calculate...
I'll look into it, but it doesn't really fit into the ui - the hash would be too long to display.
Are you talking about the shell extension in explorer? You "Open" the file in RapidCRC. You want to change the strings to "Test", "Check with reparent" and "Check all hash...
Depending on what you've selected and what is configured it will do different things, so I'm not sure "Test" would be appropriate. It could be verification, simple hash calculation or...
This saves a click for your use-case, while adding a click for other use-cases. Not sure which one is more common.
The 'Hashtype from filename' setting enables determining the hash type from the filename, for example to detect that "sha256sum.txt" is a file containing sha256 sums. Detecting hashes from filenames can...
RCRC calculates the column widths like this: each visible hash column gets a width of (number of hash characters * average character width), info column gets (average character width *...