curl does give me a 204 response with curl -v xxx.com:8086/ping
If i am adding a timeout ping does return the correct InfluxDB Version. So it does work somehow. I am lost here...
I like the idea with spool weight. In my opinion we should not account for every possible input weight configuration. Because it gets complicated if you want to manually update...
> > I think having the ability to mark a spool as spent rather than having to delete it would also be nice. So you can track overall filament usage....
Regarding the database for default values for spools. I thought more about a public github repo with all sort of default data to choose from. Everybody can do a PR...
So it is not fixed in proxmox 7.1? I just tested it myself and i don't get mails for disconnected drives. But for resilvering... Anyway an awesome piece of software,...
I think tracking motion distance in moonraker makes kinda sense. Maybe something like total distance per axis and distance since last reset. (Maybe bed cycels, since people like stats?!) The...
> To be honest, I like the detailed motion distance tracking idea. I just fear that users might feel it's too complicated to configure to determine a wear indicator. >...
Your Right about random fails, but it still good to see how long the fan was in service. For someone running more than one printer you can easily spot the...