Many thanks for your reply, got correct result by setting `slug` configuration. I noticed that `Graphs CI` seems still using slugify string as graph file path after setting `slug` (in...
> I've been trying to get this out but with no success, the dependencies are old and `gyp` needs to build with new Node versions (how it works under the...
模糊缩放是图片发送失败时的默认首选fallback方案,它并不支持单独关闭 ` EFFECT_FUNC_LIST = [do_nothing, draw_frame, random_flip, random_lines, random_rotate] ` 但你可以添加配置项`setu_add_random_effect=False`禁止对原图进行任何二次处理,此时如果发送失败将直接跳过该图片并记数为发送失败
发现在协议端无法访问NoneBot2图片路径时会导致入参文件路径方式发送直接失败,导致所有图片都被用于模糊缩放效果 你可以先添加配置项`SEND_AS_BYTES=True`强制以BytesIO发送原图,这样能确保只有发送失败的图片才会应用上模糊缩放效果 下一个版本会把这个配置项默认置True