Orie Steele

Results 576 comments of Orie Steele


For example, is this kind of thing ok: ```ts class CustomHashing extends Hashing { serialize(element: Buffer, seed: number) { if (!seed) { seed = defaultSeed } const digester = new...

This is very interesting... I did some related CBOR work here: https://github.com/transmute-industries/decentralized-cbor in particular, I represent ZLIB_Compressed_NQuads as CBOR... providing compressed representation for JSON-LD with bi-directional transformation between CBOR and...

@peacekeeper thanks for the ping. AFAIK, the https://identity.foundation/.well-known/resources/did-configuration/ is await IANA url registration, and is some stage of "DIF approved deliverable"... but I am not sure it has received enough...

@gjgd when you get a few spare cycles / want to spend some time with did-key.

jfyi, if you are not sure which type of signature you are being handed, and you require lower s, you can always normalize to lower s before calling verify.

Our implementation works. We inject vocab to protect users from carrying about sidetree's general lack of support for JSON-LD...

@csuwildcat to propose a solution on the issue, and get this ready for a reference implementation PR.

oh boy do I have opinions on this subject.... 1. JOSE is the most common web based key representation out in the wild, with excellent support in most languages and...

> The value of the id property MAY be structured as a compound key. This is especially useful for integrating with existing key management systems and key formats such as...