{@link Listener}d instead of {@link Listener}s or {@link Listener} https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI/blob/e36c95af0a6379beec9377ce9dce64a10a2a601c/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/api/event/Order.java#L28
I liked the idea but the way this is implemented doesn't quite work, I'm referring to the line https://github.com/Minestom/Minestom/blob/39dab6aeab1182d7ef9c083ec685362fe949ba35/src/main/java/net/minestom/server/entity/Player.java#L1526 That sends the packet with relative location regardless, which means that...
Ah yes, I think having a way to show/hide based on specific tags would also work great
Once approved #1742 should also include this
Once approved #1742 should also include this
Notes: This PR should be blocked by #893 as init() here will now also register stairs placement rules which at the current state will throw exceptions Additionally #893 should be...
Notes 2: Ideally this could be improved further with #306