Results 382 comments of Nutomic

Do you mean because it ends up with path `//`? That shouldnt cause any problems. And its easy to fix by removing the trailing slash from pictrs_config.url.

Oh so you are running Lemmy locally, not on a server? How exactly are you starting it?

> I've made many changes and convert all "/image" to "image" then that bypass the bug. Where exactly did you change it? And how did you install Lemmy?

@Phlogi I tested this, the trailing slash is added automatically when the config is parsed. So whether or not you put that trailing slash in the config file doesnt make...

Essentially, if a post or comment can be viewed on your instance, you as admin are responsible for it to some degree. This also goes for federated posts, because people...

Right, have to use [IdOrNestedObject]( for that as well (and probably in many other places). Probably easiest if it has methods `as_id()` and `as_object()`, to avoid major changes to the...

I think what we need is essentially a system which limits posting from new, untrusted users. One example of such a system are [trust levels in discourse]( We can design...

> if allowed to comment, the new malicious accounts will just spam comments then We can make it so that comments from new users are not visible to others until...

There are two things in particluar which @kaiyou mentioned that seem relevant: > entire remote servers may be silenced or suspended, which basically applies to any past, current and future...