Terence Liu

Results 3 issues of Terence Liu

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to authenticate via c9 and the error I get is the following: `https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorization?scope=r_basicprofile%20rw_nus%20r_network%20r_contactinfo%20w_messages%20rw_groups%20r_emailaddress%20r_fullprofile&state=81da2582bbb27e03fec1d10c559c9cfa&redirect_uri=https%3A//linkedinpy-terenceliu.c9users.io%3A8080/&response_type=code&client_id=77gzzds2hizpxq None Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 52, in print oauth.get_access_token()...

The example for Hyperparameter Tuning with the following code produced the above error: ### Error: ``` RuntimeError: Tune is not installed, so `get_tune_resources` is not supported. You can install Ray...

Hey guys, I'm trying to grab data outside of RTH for SPY, so I'd expect pre-market and post-market data, but I can only see pre-market data. Is there a way...