
Results 847 comments of NullVoxPopuli

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> The signals as proposed here cannot support these features and I don't think they ever will Why do you feel this way? :thinking: I think we could implement an...

this isn't just IE9. maybe not this specific issue, but there is an issue with chrome even where the first word of a new line is outside of the insert...

What's the tldr left on this? can we get TODO checkboxes added to the description?

I think filtering is useful, but I don't know how much of this implementation is salvageable. especially given that there are errors that idk if they are worth investigating. Maybe...

anyone have some local .d.ts file that we can paste in to the addon's directory? :sweat_smile:

ye, I accidentally was using it for a while, cause my volta decided _alpha_ was a good version of yarn to install. :upside_down_face: