
Results 847 comments of NullVoxPopuli

I think defining an exports key should also help resolve, which we'd probably want to align with modern package.jsons (provided it includes default and types) Additionally, we can specify for...

Ah, here is how: is now merged, so we're only waiting for release now

@sukima v 3.0.0-rc.1 should be installable and compatible with Vite :muscle:

I'm now using the rc.2 release on and :tada: To get the types resolved, I did need to change my tsconfig to extend from `@tsconfig/ember`, which, in...

Do you have moduleResolution set to bundler? I'm about to make some types test packages that show minimum required ts config

After this is merged and released: compatibility with varying projects should be a bit more broad.

I have some `transitionTo`s happening in my afterModel hook -- which is intentional -- but in my test `visit` is raising a TransitionAborted exception. The only way for my test...

@ppcano that's pretty much what I'm doing now (for re-usability) ```ts import { visit as dangerousVisit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; async function visit(url: string) { try { await dangerousVisit(url); } catch...

what would you return? I regularly do this: ```ts async beforeModel() { if (await some condition not met) { return this.transitionTo('do something'); } } ```