Dylan Brophy
Dylan Brophy
I would like the ESP32 version of MicroPython to allow selection of PWM channels, because currently I cannot have two PWM pins use different frequencies.
Yes indeed. That's how I found this repo in the first place, it's AFAIK the only uPython implementation where PWM frequency can be changed per-pin.
I have a problem with PFT as well. ``` [32m=============================================================[0m [32m printftester2000 (aka PFT)[0m - [2mmade by [email protected][0m [32m=============================================================[0m [1;36m1765 [0mout of [1;33m2760[0m tests are enabled.[0;0;0m [4mDirections[0m: [36m./test [query][0m to...
Should this also work for rotate_extrude? I'm new to OpenSCAD, only ever played with linear_extrude. I forked this repo and it looks like the fix would be very simple, going...
I am experiencing the same issue. Bump. Workaround (Python3 requests): ```python import requests r = requests.post('http://hilite.me/api', data={'code':'echo "This is basically just a form', 'lexer':'bash', 'divstyles':'padding:.2em .6em;'}) print(r.content.decode()) ```
I am also having issues with this, trying to train llama-13b-4bit through text-generation-webui. ``` Training 'llama' model using (q, v) projections Trainable params: 26,214,400 (1.3496 %), All params: 1,942,410,240 (Model:...
I wonder if it could be designed to read the file from any given stream? That would remove the dependency of the SD library and make it more flexible. I...