
Results 8 comments of NtskwK

您可以看看我正在做的快速部署脚本 [Pallasbot-Helper-Installer.txt](https://github.com/MistEO/Pallas-Bot/files/9410895/Pallasbot-Helper-Installer.txt) 如果您对这个脚本的内容信任,把后缀的`txt`改成`cmd`就可以直接运行了 项目地址在这里👉https://github.com/NtskwK/Pallasbot-Helper (但不包含上面的部署脚本)

> > > > 您有ubuntu的部署脚本吗,我的服务器是ubuntu的 Ubuntu直接看原来的部署手册就好了,全是复制粘贴的事。不像win有那么多麻烦的。

> 你这个的话,不要用PHP 8.0用PHP 7.3,PHP 73他给的环境是阿帕奇的,8.0不知道是什么,可能是nginx,但是这个的话好像不好设伪静态

> Do you know of any gotchas? API breaks? > > Keeping current on supported dependencies would be wonderful. Support for the previous LTS, Django 3.2, will end in April...

Hello everyone! Great news! The migration work has made some progress, including Django 4.2 LTS, PostgreSQL 16, and more. We still need to conduct further testing on functions. Could you...

I have solved a part compatibility problems to sure it can work in the development environment. But there are also many different from [django-rest-framework-jwt](https://github.com/jpadilla/django-rest-framework-jwt) to [djangorestframework-simplejwt](https://github.com/jazzband/djangorestframework-simplejwt). So it can not...

> That is fantastic news! Thanks for continuing on this path. > > I defer to Piero on workflow, but we typically just keep the main branch except for hot...

Yeh, I'll show you a list of papers. Our group use them for some researchs about agriculture. - Assessment of photosynthetic radiation-use efficiency with spectral reflectance (1995) - Relationships between...