Results 7 comments of Ns85

Hey, LSTM's could probably also be used with CTRNN. It is a "beefed" up version of a normal recurrent neural network. This blog has some nice illustrations: According to...

My bad; with "reset", i should have wrote that it was the state of the network that i wanted to reset. Just like you have it implemented in the nn.recurrent.RecurrentNetwork....

Let me correct it: CodeReclaimer & contributors^^ The few papers i've read evolved the weight / bias parameters of the network and the connections within the modules, but not the...

Thanks, i'll have to check that out:) I have been lurking a bit on ES. I know they can perform well on MDP's, but i couldn't seem to figure out...

Re rawal.gecco2016. lol, yeah. But then again, with the amount of awesome stuff Miikkulainen has put out, it probably isn't that odd of an occurrence

This fixed it for me: first fix in round_state.html ` ` `{% for idx, player in zip(range(len(round_state['seats']))[:int(len(round_state['seats'])/2)], round_state['seats']) %}` second fix ` ` ` {% for idx, player in zip(range(len(round_state['seats']))[int(len(round_state['seats'])/2):],...

I struggled with opening some of my older saved xml files abit. For me the fix was simply to "Change Save Dir" to the new folder i was trying to...