Axel Gneiting
Axel Gneiting
Keeping this open, it's a legitimate request.
QSS culls particles when the sky isn't visible which causes snow just not to fall if you look away from it. Makes no sense to me so I disabled this.
I looked at the level and the emitter setup is nonsense. It spawns thousands of particles that can never be visible. Don't know what to do with this. I don't...
Keeping this open, maybe there are more optimizations that can be done.
What CPU is that? That sounds way too low. What binary are you running? Sounds like you are running unoptimized.
I would expect that on the Quadro it is actually GPU, not CPU limited because of alpha overdraw? Could you try reducing resolution? I didn't implement a menu toggle because...
The code was ported from QSS (which originally imported it from FTE Quake) and is just not written in a very performant way. Not sure if much can be done.
I'm definitely not disabling FTE particles by default.
Yeah, might be worth a look.
This is a bit more complicated than I thought because I need to split up the render pass for depth buffer readback. Might theoretically also hurt performance on tilers a...