I am trying to play from assests with CrossMediaManager, mp3 is located in asstest as Amndroid asset but nothing is played. [await CrossMediaManager.Current.PlayFromResource("assets:///britney.mp3");](url) I have also tred to play from...
Hello, I have quite unusual issue. We are using ZXing on iOS since it doesn't require firebase, however we were facing some issues on android that's when BarcodeScanner.XF came to...
Hello, this is not really a bug but i cant seem to find anything in the documentation. I have added icons to my assets in adroid however if i want...
Hello, not really a bug just want to asi if playing from url is possible and if not if its going to be added anytime soon? Thanks
Hello, i have impelentation of crossmedia manager and i have been experiencing issues with the player on ios. It plays once i pass the file as a parameter but it...
Hello i have been experiencing some issues with playing from queue on Android and iOS. ``` [CrossMediaManager.Current.AutoPlay = false; CrossMediaManager.Current.ClearQueueOnPlay = false; CrossMediaManager.Current.RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Off; _mediaItem = new MediaItem(filename); _mediaItem.Album...