Glen Jolley
Glen Jolley
Could you please confirm if the inner ring of the Milky Way gate lags whilst spinning on the same server? I've been noticing the inner ring of mine lagging as...
That's fair, if you don't have the ability to spawn one in etc. Are you the server admin? Could you give me a list of the mods on your server?
Thanks. I've observed the same behaviour on my dedicated server too. It doesn't appear to be related to network lag as the dedicated server is local to me and my...
I imagine removing mods will reduce the issue, but not because of the individual mods per se, but because less mods = less server load. Very few of the mods...
Yeah, I stepped through the code yesterday and saw that it's all clientside. I checked the tickrate for our server and it came out as a very disappointing 4t/s, so...
So, I upgraded our server machine yesterday and with some careful profiling and tweaking, we now have our server running at 20 ticks per second. The gate, however, continues to...
> But @NovaXeros said that they have their problematic server locally :/ Yeah can't be ping related unless it's affected by any ping higher than the effective 0ms of the...
@LokeYourLord @MrJake222 apologies, I have been incredibly busy with personal life matters so I haven't had chance to upload my pack. If I get chance later today I'll upload so... Additional Server+Client file here. Be warned, the server part is over 3gb big after compression as the players on my server are absolute monsters and love exploring. Go North...