Tiger Oakes

Results 35 issues of Tiger Oakes

Sharing images is coming soon to the File Share Target API. Add code to the service worker to handle a POST request and call the add image code.

- [x] hsl - [x] rgb - [x] hex - [ ] title text color - [ ] body text color


Options: - [ ] `colorCount` - amount of colors in initial palette from which the swatches will be generated - [ ] `quality` - Scale down factor used in downsampling...


Allow the user to input an image URL instead of uploading an image. Requires a server to load the photo.


### What version of `astro` are you using? 1.0.0-beta.52 ### Are you using an SSR adapter? If so, which one? None ### What package manager are you using? npm ###...


Probably due to no support for the dialog element. I'd also like to improve accessibility while working on the dialog updates.

help wanted

## Description Adds more `@Nullable` and `@NotNull` annotations and catches a few potential null errors. Adds DrawableRes annotations to mark certain ints as drawable resource IDs. Replaces searchContext with a...

## Description Trying to make Geocache more of a data container and less of a god class. This change removes some methods dedicated to sharing that were each only used...

Android 13 introduces an API for [Themed Icons](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/features), which are monochrome icons on a colored background. This change adds support to create those icons from a web app manifest. Note...


### Library React Components / v9 (@fluentui/react-components) ### System Info ```shell CPU: (20) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz Memory: 81.95 GB / 127.71 GB Browsers: Edge: Spartan (44.22000.120.0),...

Type: Regression 🌩🌩
Status: In PR
Component: Menu