Try deleting `%AppData%\XIVLauncher\runtime`.
Close any application related to FFXIV (FFXIV itself, TexTools, ACT, Teamcraft, etc).
Go ahead! I'll close this issue if you submit a PR.
You need to close ACT/Teamcraft/any other application related to FFXIV. Your crashes are unrelated to this error. Please provide your dalamud.log after you repair your game and encounter another crash.
> I don't have ACT or anything up at all outside of the ffxiv launcher. Try restarting your PC, then. Your log will be at `%AppData%/XIVLauncher/dalamud.log`.
...What is that path? You clearly have something in XIVLauncher misconfigured if *any* directory is pointed to the mods folder of a MultiMC instance.
Can you please attach `~/.xlcore/logs/launcher.log`?
I believe this URL is now outdated - we have a workaround pinned in our Discord server (sorry for making you join it - https://goat.place/). Keeping this open to track...
Sure: *ahem* Note: Terminal commands assume default paths and settings. Please adjust accordingly. 1. Go to where your FFXIV install is and then enter the game/movie/ffxiv folder. ```bash cd ~/.xlcore/ffxiv/game/movie/ffxiv...
Run a repair and try starting without Dalamud.