Stijn Raeymaekers
Stijn Raeymaekers
- [ ] Mangos 2.4.3 - 1 - [ ] Ascemu 2.4.3 - 2 - [x] Nostalrius 1.12 - 2 (See #22) - [ ] CMangos 2.4.3 -1
Field for consumables etc. Handle right click fof non-equippable.
eg. gems don't exist in 1.12. Hide it from the UI if profile doesn't support it. Use ActiveProfileChangedEvent on each relevant creation page and check the profile's GameVersion to do...
Replace it with commands. Lookup tool buttons at the very least.
- [x] Item - [ ] Creature - [ ] Quest - [ ] Loot - [ ] Vendor Item - [ ] visual glitch on cloned and made tf...
Mana is wrong in at least vanilla, see #86 Check DBC for each stat, filter per profile xpansion.