
Results 10 comments of Andreas

Fair enough. I haven't dug through the documentation to be honest, but it always was possible to write ``` %hook ClassToBeHooked %group SomeiOSVersion - (void)someMethodA { ... } %end %group...

Also getting this: ``` ~/Unsynced documents/futurerestoring » ./futurerestore -t 379348986626086_iPhone9,3_d101ap_13.3-17C54_27325c8258be46e69d9ee57fa9a8fbc28b873df434e5e702a8b27999551138ae.shsh2 -s sep-firmware.d101.RELEASE.im4p -b Mav16-7.30.01.Release.bbfw -m BuildManifest_1331.plist -p BuildManifest_1331.plist ipsw/iPhone_4.7_P3_13.3_17C54_Restore.ipsw Version: 81b98e0425e17250cc83d5badaf9a8cc6399f481 - 245 Libipatcher version: 3159a387584e352f690cca859e013c3a4683f3e8 - 69 Odysseus support:...

So, I assumed [245 was the latest version](, when in reality, [180 was the latest version]( I get the same error with 180.

using `--latest-baseband` rather than specifying it myself worked. It should still be possible to specify it manually, so I'm leaving this open.

Did you read my second comment?

If anyone on Arch comes across this issue, install `openssl-1.0` (`pacman -S openssl-1.0` should do it).

I have the same with iPhone12,3 and iOS 15.4. Blobs are successfully saved with older devices. Did you make any progress on this @ohc192?

Sounds an awful lot similar to the issue I faced (and still face) after upgrading to Android 12. Not sure what changed in the API. I don’t mind spending...

Hmm, I cloned the repo, fought various build errors, and finally managed to build a version with the latest sdk and gradle release and whatnot. Turns out that did not...