Jackson Nunley
Jackson Nunley
I have actually written an image viewer using the same unicode block technique in Rust [Noskcaj19/term-image](https://github.com/Noskcaj19/term-image) and may be able to help. It isn't GPU accelerated, however parallelism or SIMD...
Ok, so, there are a number of issues with using this (but it should be possible!). First, serenity. [serenity](https://github.com/serenity-rs/serenity) is the library used to connect to Discord. This crate will...
That is interesting, I'm not sure what could be causing that. And yes, using a bot token would let you use any unmodified discord library, which could make things much...
That is very interesting. I just tested and I cannot get ffmpeg to stream mic to discord (on macos) nor can I even stream a file. Not really sure what...
So I figured it out (mostly). First off, serenity needs to be tweaked so that you can provide the `-f` argument before the `-i` one to enable desktop capturing devices....
For another approach to handling message updates, I originally used an approach similar to wee-slack, however I wanted to store more advanced metadata for each message. I ended up writing...