It seems to be related to Open MP for visual studio 2010....
I have same problem on mac too ;-)
> This issue is also a problem on linux platforms, and it seems to depend on the resolution. Here my examples on 1260 x 1440 pixels and 800 x 450...
Please accept this PR ! It would be really helpful to demo and make video recordings
Hi guys, have you seen the recent news : github runners with M1 : and here : So maybe there's a good hope to get our beloved pyMeshLab...
Github actions M1 hosted are available from today for public repo :, hope it would help !
It seems related to and it sounds there's hop to build openmvg on mac arm. I'm interested too :-)
And to this one too :
Hi I understand, your point. So if MeshLab, MeshMixer or Apple Quicklook can open it would it means they don't trust the header ? MeshMixer seems to signal a missing...
Does STL have a "magic byte" that tells if it's binary or ascii (like ply) ?. I don't think so but I'm not expert. I agree that people can get...